Resume Writing Tips for Veterans

Essential to landing a job interview is a strong, concise, and polished resume that matches your skills with the needs of a specific job. Here are some important tips for veterans:

  • Seek out jobs that match specific skills sets.

  • Have a clearly defined objective. At the beginning of your resume, state the kind of position you’re looking for.

  • Don't forget the basics: address, email, phone number, and any other important contact information.

  • Emphasize your educational background.

  • Show off your military background—but…

    • Don't forget some hiring managers are civilians. Avoid military language and terminology that will be unfamiliar to the non-veteran.

    • Proudly display your accomplishments. You are your best advocate. This is your chance to shine; however, don’t exaggerate.

Want to learn more about resume-writing and seeking meaningful, career-oriented employment? Contact our Employment Services team today!