Developing Resiliency Through Wellness

re·síl·ience:  the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness


When we are resilient, we adapt well to adversity, trauma, or any significant source of stress, such as family problems or financial challenges.  Being resilient means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences and regaining your balance.  Even more, though, with resilience comes personal growth.  Resilience helps you get through rough patches while also improving your life.

Resilience is not simply a gift; it is a characteristic all of us can develop, like building muscle.  Here are two tips for increasing resilience by fostering wellness.

Take care of your body.  Stress is physical as well as emotional, so attending to bodily well-being is an important part of building resilience.  This includes not only exercise but also proper nutrition, hydration, and regular, sufficient sleep.  Strengthening your body helps you to bounce back from stress.

Practice mindfulness.  Mindfulness can be practiced in a number of ways:  prayer, meditation, and yoga are three popular forms.  To build up resilience, focus on what is positive in your life, especially when stressed.  Mindfulness helps us become more hopeful, key to making our way through difficult periods.

Want to learn more about how you can build resiliency? Contact our Behavioral Health Services team today!


From Building Your Resilience
American Psychological Association